Proposed usage for unclaimed / socks

There are great people in nem. I see bloody rookie and gimre working hard every day. I saw the same in the beginning of nxt. Good people trying to help. Then the scumbag pieces of excrement scammers came. I don't want the same to happen here but it looks like it will happen

So far the NEM community is great. As long as people work together, they can prevent scammers from taking over. The key is to break out into the world of normal people and not just stay a small crypto circle jerk. The proposals for the sock and unclaimed stakes are the product of months of effort and I think will provide NEM with the firepower to launch into the mainstream.

There needs to no tolerance of scams or poor results. People need to be held accountable. One of the HUGE differences between NXT and NEM is that instead of having random anon guys run around with money, Rockethead, who is selling the coins, is a known person. We know his name and who he is. He is starting AltNemo as a legitimate company, not an illegal organization that does illegal IPOs. Also, the coin sale is going to be held by a legitimate company in Singapore, so there will be legal recourse if this was a scam. So there is just no comparison between working with known, legal entities and working with anon guys running 30 projects run by schoolkids ;)

Oh BTW fsck you for the negative karma

Your karma is -5, which is not all from me.  :)

It's also what was chosen by the stakeholders after months of discussion.

can you give me some details how many stakes voted for this and when and where? Or was this only a vote here in the forum where nobody can know who is behind the voter (maybe a stakeholder, maybe not) and if the number of voters was represantive in any way? is it representive if 20 people vote about something and the result is 13:7 if there are 4000 stakes?

Sorry, but you guys talking about "decission of the community" without any details...

@alkaline: There is no way to make people vote. There was a public vote here on the forum and also links to this forum in the BTT thread I think. What else can you expect the devs to do? Write PMs to every single BTT stakeholder and send messasges to all the NXT stakeholders (which even costs money)? I don't think so. People who are interested in the progress of NEM, should at least check the BTT thread or the newsletters or this forum. One of these would have been enough to know about the vote.

@jadedjack: Come on. I think you are neither a 12 year old nor dumb. So please don't act like one. It is right, you didn't call somebody of us a scammer, but it was pretty close: "So the intention never was to deliver the coins to all the stakeholders?". This question implies a scam. The truth is: People can choose if they want a real silver coin or sell their silver coin asset (which cannot be worthless, because we are talking about real silver; of course nobody knows if the collector's value of these coins in- or decrease in the future, but the silver stays real) and get XEM for it instead. I don't see a problem.

thats what i said. say whatever it was but not a decission of the community…

and you dont see a problem because your eyes are closed. otherwise you would ask each stakeholder if he wants xem or silverasset but you fear that no one choses silver… you could give them a "bonus asset" and this is tradeble in silverasset or xem.

this discussion feels like a flashback in the past where i tried to convince my grandfather to give me better money as a present instead that he bought this nice wooden pig for me… please give us money and dont decide for us to take the wooden pig (silver)…

... but I

... but I

im really tryharding…

between: you say i got alot for what i payed already. i payed alot for my stakes and till now i didnt get alot. but i hope this will change soon…

im really tryharding...

between: you say i got alot for what i payed already. i payed alot for my stakes and till now i didnt get alot. but i hope this will change soon...

I said you are getting a lot, not that you already got a lot.  ;)

After grilling makoto quite intensively on telegram, I gained a lot more confidence in the silver coins plan, I was an avid opponent to silver coins but consider me converted. Of course I'm going to be cautious due to the sheer scale and cost of the project but if it can be pulled off its going to be pretty huge!

In relation to whether the community wants this or not, we can only go by those who voiced their opinion and voted, which resulted in a yes vote. Those who remained silent can be seen as indifferent as they would in a political vote. You can't assume that the non-voters are of an opinion one way or the other. You can only Mark them as indifferent ie. What ever the majority who do vote, vote for, is ok with the silent members.

As long as we proceed cautiously I think this is good to go.

Some of us plan to work on documentation that will outline as many details as possible so everything is as transparent as possible. So hopefully that will give more confidence to anyone who is unsure.

thats what i said. say whatever it was but not a decission of the community...

and you dont see a problem because your eyes are closed. otherwise you would ask each stakeholder if he wants xem or silverasset but you fear that no one choses silver... you could give them a "bonus asset" and this is tradeble in silverasset or xem.

As I already said ("There is no way to make people vote. There was a public vote here on the forum and also links to this forum in the BTT thread I think. What else can you expect the devs to do?"), I don't think it is appropriate to invest so much time and money (for NXT messages) just to ask all the stakeholders to please vote on a decision that effects only 10 % of the unclaimed/sock stakes.

Pat said it very clear... Everybody who has at least minimal interest in NEM, should have noticed that vote.

Well I would appreciate a serious answer :smiley:

We have a group chat in telegram (see If you want to join, tell me your username, then I can add you.

about  the unclaimed stakes , i have some question , for me i really rememberd i follow the instruction and submit my token here , when i found web's show "sucessed"  i think it's gonna be ok and left ,waiting for the time of released, but now i found i am not be in the list ,i confused ,i think maybe some of them ignore the next step just like me.

i suggest  : can all team members give us a chance again to submit our token ,thanks again

about  the unclaimed stakes , i have some question , for me i really rememberd i follow the instruction and submit my token here , when i found web's show "sucessed"  i think it's gonna be ok and left ,waiting for the time of released, but now i found i am not be in the list ,i confused ,i think maybe some of them ignore the next step just like me.

i suggest  : can all team members give us a chance again to submit our token ,thanks again

That's exactly what the extended redemption is for.

Answer is: Don't worry, you can redeem your full NEM stake after launch (for 2 months I think).

I would take some of the unclaimed coins to distribute them by a faucet. More distribution mean better acceptance.

I come from the Nxt community what has a official faucet ( NEM should do something similar.

I would take some of the unclaimed coins to distribute them by a faucet. More distribution mean better acceptance.

I come from the Nxt community what has a official faucet ( NEM should do something similar.

Giveaways don't really lead to anything useful. People need skin in the game if they are going to contribute anything.

How did the Stellar giveaway work out? Aurora airdrop?
Can you name one accomplishment of the NxT faucet? I used the NxT faucet several times to get some free NxT, but the amount I got did not make me thrilled or change the way I make my living.

I would use some of the unclaimed stakes as a bounty. Like what Nxt had done at least during the early days.

For example,

1.) giving bounties in XEM to "hackers" that uses the testNEM client to find any way to hack the client for advantages. Depending how valuable the hack was to the system will depend how much of XEM is given.

2.) giving XEM to a known crypto expert (or experts) to audit and that can look over the NEM code for any other security issues, etc.

ideas that are at least off the top of my head.

And use some of the NEMstakes to fund a faucet that helps new users till it runs dry.  :slight_smile:

Yes, 1) is a very good idea and I am pretty sure this is going to happen.
2) is more difficult: We would need somebody with good reputation, so any ideas?