This one. Can you check that if your wallet balance is ok? Since this tx is on chain. I can’t figure out any problem with it.
Hash 123f66e26afc4e719c87925d34a5771bda7edc7f34de463b6dfc159dc43e4cf9
Timestamp 2017-12-23 22:16:51
Type transfer
Amount 0.77
Fee 0.1
Block 1427871
Message mSrKNQb5
@ALL we have send you all. Happy new year!!! Thanks for participating our airdrop. We have fixed our bugs, and have developed new ways of sending red packet. Tell your friends, subscribe our wechat official account(download wechat from app store or google play and use wechat to scan this QR code)
and we will keep posting articles and latest news to you all. And maybe festival red packet!!!
QR code isn’t working in Greece. Is the app maybe limited to Asian countries only?
How can I participate and receive the coins?
Thanks for your participation. Can you paste a photo to show, when error or sth occur when you backup or import. so that we can figure out what’s going on
Step zero: install Wechat
Step one: follow our NEM China official account by scanning QR Code above.
Step two: Clink on “NEM钱包”, and try it. sorry, this title is in Chinese. But the mini app support both English and Chinese.
Step three: keep following our official account, we will tell you when to receive red packet(air drop)
Really sorry, @PashketTrader, you have not show this in time. But keep following, we have a lot of chance in 2018!!!
Nothing happens. The phone keeps on scanning and scanning and scanning…it looks like QR CODE isn’t recognisable.
Airdrop datetime:
2017/12/23 23:54
1.53 XEM
You mean the QR code of wallet backup? or the QR code of our wechat official account?
Sorry, it’s too late. But we may have a big red packet airdrop next month. If you want red packet come and join us.
I mean the QR code for wechat account. The one that is on the top of this thread.
How long does it take for coins to send?