An wild idea appeared: Javascript on blockchain

there will be no blockchain bloat, I can assure you all :) I'm very conscious about performance and cumulative data, the blockchain will be only used to store hashes (like makoto said). The blockchain is my incorruptible signing time machine

what I want really is to be able make it run on an Intel Galileo 24/7

It's a very good idea to store hashes but at somepoint the people will need to get the code from somewhere :)
That's what we have to figure out. A torrent like protocoll would indeed not be a bad idea. NEM-Nodes can start seeding the code if they want to so it doesn't matter if the original provider goes offline. Question is how is the code transmitted and how does one agree to see it. If we do it like that we could even integrate Proof of Storage :)

I already figured  out :D