I think we need to read between the lines in what Jaguar0625 is saying and I assume he is in no position to comment on my following thoughts. To put it bluntly;
- The Foundation is being shutdown.
- The staff from the entities are being brought under a new company NEM Group Ltd.
- I haven’t looked at this properly, but the board of Directors for the NEM Group are the existing Executive level staff.
- The President is gone without a period of notice and is paid 6 months pay.
The above events pretty much say that something has happened which the Core Team is not happy about, so they have moved to fix that which involves a payout of the President for settlement without potential legal issues.
We probably won’t ever know what that event/problem was, but i don’t think the original post wording it as a “6 month paid sabbatical” is accurate. Anyhow no point dwelling on this any further as it won’t change the past, fingers crossed the NEM Group can deliver.