BIG Problem

We had an absolut exact Deadline, check the blockchain and send the stakes redeemed after the deadline back, so where is the problem? If your tool was on or offline has nothing to do with the Deadline.

i also want as much stakeholders as possible but not at cost of breaking the own rules. If you set up a Deadline the next time how can we be sure if you hold your line? Please be correct and send it back.

Why would I bother to send them back if they are worthless ?

It isn't my decision what happens here. Let's see what the core team has to say about it.

@alkaline: I know where you are coming from, but the next time there is a deadline on anything, the only thing people will understand from this case is: There might be some extra time, but nobody knows. So whoever cares, will accept the deadline or he/she is playing with fire.

To make any efforts now to kick out these people, is just senseless. I don't see the general reputation of the NEM devs damaged by these 16 hours, but I see an increase of their human aspect(not sure if that is the right term, but I guess you understand me).

i capitulate…