[SOLVED[ Can't Send My XEM - Multisig Issue After Opt-In


I’m having big problems to use my XEM coins. I was able to send out coins from my wallet without problems, then I opted in for Symbol and since then I cannot send out anything from my Exodus wallet.

I haven’t touched/changed anything besides opt-in in on Mobile Symbol app but since then it keeps asking me for multisig which I never did and my XEM coins are stuck.

Can someone please help me I’ll send a small token of XEM coins as gratitude?

My XEM Address is:

Exodus Error:
“code”:74,“name”:“Error”,“message”:“FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_MULTISIG”,“stack”:“Error: FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_MULTISIG\n at C:\AppData\Local\exodus\app-21.3.12\resources\app.asar\src\app\ui\index.js:158:267877\n at async C:\AppData\Local\exodus\app-21.3.12\resources\app.asar\src\app\ui\index.js:331:221520\n at async C:\AppData\Local\exodus\app-21.3.12\resources\app.asar\src\app\ui\index.js:7:209565\n at async C:\AppData\Local\exodus\app-21.3.12\resources\app.asar\src\app\ui\index.js:288:87725”}

I’ve already emailed Exodus but they’re not replying.

Thanks a lot!

You can thank us. Contact me in PM. Will explain what happen :smiley:

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Can you please send me a private message I can’t seem do contact you? Probably because I opened account earlier.

Thanks a lot!
