Hi Trikar_Blockchain, let me explain why I use of a thermostat as AN EXAMPLE. This is a small scale project, I don’t have a preference as to what the iOT device is. It can be an Amazon Echo or Alexa or whatever. More importantly, I would like to see the project result in a simple prototype that has the main components included - an iOT device, a middleware like Raspberri Pi that communicates with the Blockchain, and some rudimentary data collected. I want to keep the originally proposed scope simple which is home use. To me, this project is a proof of concept, a use case that can be used for NEM marketing purposes with the basic end to end components. More power to the team, if they can connect to industrial iOT devices. Thought the proposal written up up was not specific about the end to end components and goals, hence my input. Hope this clears it up. Thanks.