Expected value for property transaction, but none was found

/transaction/prepare-announce using this api method to prepare the announce but getting error expected value for property transaction, but none was found. How can i transfer xem from one account to another?

which SDK are you using?

i ran the local node of nem, its running on my local host. i’ve resolved this issue but now when i prepare the announce a get error

var d1 = new Date ();

var timeStamp = d1.getTime();
var deadline = d1.getTime() + 1000;

RequestPrepareAnnounce: {

       "timeStamp": timeStamp/1000, 


i got error FAILURE_TIMESTAMP_TOO_FAR_IN_FUTURE, as i’m getting the current time.

Check https://nemlibrary.com, it supports typescript and javascript.

Just use localhost when creating the Http objects


const transactionHttp = new TransactionHttp([
    {protocol: 'http', domain:'localhost', port: 7890}

Also answered here: Failure timestamp too far in future rest api

Thanks for the support, It worked.

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