I am very aware that I have been absent for the last six months due to health issues. Hopefully, some recognise me from old / the beginning.
Reading @Jaguar0625 initial post and the follow-ups from @BloodyRookie and @gimre fills me with sadness. These three talented individuals have done more for NEM than anyone else, they have committed significant energy to creating what NEM is today. They have poured hours and hours of their time into coding what NEM v1.0 is and what NEM v2.0 (Catapult) has the potential to become. Without the three of them NEM is vapourware.
UtopianFuture led us from the beginning with a vision, regardless of his faults (of which their were many) he gave us two things. A very talented bunch of core DEVs and a level of integrity in that when he was found out he left to save NEM. Lon and Jeff took the helm and lead us through some dark times and made NEM one of the most successful coins of 2017. But who remains, working day in and day out? The core DEVs.
The purpose of the Foundation and therefore the President and each Council member “…is to be the trustee of and make decisions for the public chain and spread its adoption…” They must help, advise and support the Devs and from reading @Jaguar0625 this is not happening. We, the community, voted for this originally and set aside significant funding. We, the community, must ensure the Foundation honour the charter, support and advise the Devs
Old Cole