How to differentiate between a Mainnet and Testnet? [SOLVED]

Hi I am new to NEM. May I know how to differentiate between a Mainnet and Testnet? Are they come in different address format? May I have a look on the address format from both so that I can make sure I am using the correct one?

Thanks and hope someone can answer to my query.

Testnet as it name says is only for testing.
Addresses in this network starts from T, addresses from mainnet are starting from N

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Is there an “-” in between the address format?
Because I see some NEM address come with “-” but some without.

This signs are not important.
If you send xems to address with - or without -. Both are the same addresses. This sign are only for more readability. In other words address NDC64AJMAFIZSA2OLJZWRYGFMSN7ZHZISCNMZTM5 is same as NDC64A-JMAFIZ-SA2OLJ-ZWRYGF-MSN7ZH-ZISCNM-ZTM5.

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Now I want to withdraw XEM from Poloniex into my Nano Wallet.
There is a column indicate “message” in Poloniex.
May I know what kind of message I should included?

Message is important only if you send money to exchange. Exchange in most cases have only one account for all users. They know for which account transaction should be given based on message (message should contain code given by exchange).
That’s why when message is missing in transaction to exchange you must write to support.
When you withdrawing money from exchange to nano message is not important and not required.

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i have the same problme i forget message

@Imad_Bioinfo please write in Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here! and provide there transaction hash and your public address
Thank you

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!

I’m closing because all was answered in this thread.