How to improve NIS Node or Supernode stability on a 1GB VPS (SWAP memory)

Hope this helps some of you…

Make sure you configure (optimize) your Swap Memory - I suggest 1GB for your 1GB RAM VPS.
And improve some settings, especially I recommend improving these parameters to the values below.
vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 50
In order to set it, and make it persistent for restarts, see the tutorial at (English)
(this is specialized for Ubuntu)
Debian Info e.g. here (German)

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Interesting to know about these kernel parameters

Thanks for the thumbs-up @quasarblue ! It’s not really Kernel parameters :slight_smile:
Just Linux configuration settings …

For a normal node it is probably ok to use swap, for a supernode it might be problematic since some tests like the responsiveness test might fail due to the hdd/ssd being too slow (if parts of the application have to be loaded from disk prior to executing the request).
Therefore, if possible, i recomment not to use swap at all.
On a 1GB vps however, I guess swap is needed in order not to run ouf of memory.

Yes, I notice my 2GB physical ram VPS responsiveness is near .5s while
my swap is 400MB.

About process priorities, does it worth to renice NIS or Servant?
Which one to give more priority?

I don’t think that has big influence.