Well, nothing is forever but i disagree with your statement. What would be a good expiry period? 1Year? 5? 10? Every month? Does your real name expire (only if you die and what does expiry mean in this case)? Especially if you compare it to the real world I see much more grayscales between expired(and removed) and not expired.
@patmast3r: Hmm, for me these are no good reasons - XEM are also lost with lost keys and nobody cares. Claiming of common namespaces will happen anyway! And you say you can save some space by pruning, other say: don’t worry even if expired your old data is still in the chain and save…
Maybe it’s just me but I see no real reason why namespaces should expire at all. Single asset expiry, ok, this could be up for a discussion, but the whole namespace? At least make the timeframe for namespace expiry variable - something like: buying a namespace for “x” blocks in the future will cost “y” XEM. F.ex.: A namespace for 200000 blocks in the future will cost you 200000 * 0.01XEM = 2000XEM fees, 400000 blocks cost you 4000XEM and so on. Something like this - gives you the chance to prepay and reserve for a longer time if wanted - no need to renew in a fixed period.
Everybody is focusing on assets. Aren’t you thinking about use cases for namespaces beyond assets? Focusing on namespaces just to issue assets limits the huge potential imo.
Address book, alias, voting, reputation and so much more could be realized on top of namespaces.