Mosaic - specific unique item

Hi NEM community,

I need to track specific items and would like to do that based on NEM.

Imagine I have a product where each item is unique and has specific properties and attributes like “sn”, “color”, “name”, “characteristics”, “size”, “issue date”, “location”…
It should be transferable and the properties should be stored (and sometimes updated) on the chain, at least it is required to identify the item uniquely.

It won’t be enough to just create “product” with a quantity of 20 and send this around. I need to track each item individually. Its a bit like “LuxTag”, does someone know how this works in detail?

What would be the best way to achieve it?

I played with mosaics for a while and can issue a new unique mosaic with quantity 1 but it will cost 10XEM fee for each item, this is way to expensive.

Other ideas and hints are much appreciated!
Thanks and have a good day!

Do you want make cryptokitti? :wink: looks likeERC-721

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Haha, its a funny thing but - no. :grinning: I have a more serious plans, but you are right, it has some things in common. I’m looking into ERC-721 right now, thanks for the info. :+1:

In my opinion, are quite a serious project.((

if it `s not a secret what the idea?

Cryptokitti is cool, yes, sorry I don’t menat to devaluate it - I just have a less ‘gaming’ focus. Don’t want to disappoint you but there is more investigation required before I can name some details regarding my idea.

About the unique items, this is what I found so far:

There are some good ideas in the NEM cryptokitty/dragon related topic here:

The following seems to be possible so far for my project to be realized on NEM:

Option 1.) Creation of individual mosaics with quantity 1 and a specific SN.
1 time 100 XEM for the namespace
1 time (10 XEM for a subnamespace)
x times 10 XEM per unique item creation
x times 0.05 XEM per mosaic item TX


Option 2.) Creation of an item account (used as ‘mosaic lite’) and transfer it to a recipient via converting to multisig and make the RX account the only cosignatory. The item account address will automatically become my unique SN.
Account creation is free
(Perhaps the recipient account needs 0.05 XEM to initiate an outgoing TX for the required public key to become multisig cosignatory)
x times 0.5 XEM for the multisig conversion of the item account
(If required: x times 0.65 XEM for every transfer by changing the cosignatory)

The properies of an item will be written (and updated) to the chain via a message.
x times 0.1?-0.3? XEM depending on the size of the attribute message.

Result so far: Cool - both options may work with a current preference on option 2 :slightly_smiling_face: - going to do some more testing in a small POC. :face_with_monocle:


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please ping me in private if you have a question, i have been very busy and not able to answer a lot on the forum anymore :frowning: if there is any request for details, either tag me or PM me please, those i will eventually read :).

The NEMDragons project is being developed, the forum post was not updated to the latest features proposals because we moved to a private channel when the project started. :slight_smile:

maybe you should have a look a nemventory :slight_smile: robin build something similar on there where an item is a mosaic iirc.

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How to find nemventory? Is that inside the wallet where the namespace look up is?