MosaicLevy types - help


From the below mosaicLevy object, how much nem balance(xem’s) will be debited from the sender’s account?

As type is 1 here, 10000 i.e., 0.01 will be debited?

“levy”: {
“fee”: 10000,
“type”: 1,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “nem”,
“name”: “xem”

How to calculate in case of type 2?
(The levy is calculated from the transferred amount. The field ‘fee’ states how many percentiles of the transferred quantity will transfer to the recipient.)
What if the amount is 2000000 like below transaction,

“timeStamp”: 175597825,
“amount”: 2000000,
“signature”: “3e615a9c5c48324f64dd15efffaf5ab9b1e8b13cb3bb07c4c49a69fbfa8972a52c72506896979df13c76ad11f948f8709d54c0def8a62cfade2f4c01831c180b”,
“fee”: 1200000,
“mosaics”: [
“quantity”: 1306938602192,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “beer-money”,
“name”: “beer”
“quantity”: 558800000,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “nem”,
“name”: “xem”
“type”: 257,
“deadline”: 175612225,
“message”: {},
“version”: 1744830466,
“signer”: “2c6ca7cc1d84591a5e8e6db7e2c07615844d52cf5827ce56936ccaecca5e543e”

  1. Yes. 10000 micro XYM is 0.01XEM

  2. beer-money has absolute levy NEM - BlockChain Explorer. t’s not relative

Yes. That’s fine.

But I want to know what amount will get debited as levy in case of type 2. How its calculated?

Could you please help me here in calculation for levy type 2? As I’m not able to to get such transaction, I’m not able validate whatever I’m considering is correct or not.

Answered here Levy fee deduction depends on quantity of mosaic transferred or not - #11 by CryptoBeliever