NEM Wallet Beta 2.4.4 - Bug bounty paid in XEM

Currently, NEM’s software that supports word passwords does not exist.
Hardware wallet, TOREZOR only NEM is supported.
For this reason, TOREZOR is the only way to recover from word passwords.
Currently there is no degree of freedom in the method of restoration, so there are problems.
In the future it will be resolved.

Thank you for the answer. That’s not good. I wish I’d known that before buying a Trezor just for this.

There’s no way I’m risking anything on one company’s methods.

So there’s no way of accessing the private key to write it down from the Trezor? I know that’s against the point, but it’s also the point.

Unless there something like this - for XEM then this is no use to me.


I can’t find the sha256 checksum for the new win64 Nanowallet zip. I’m guessing the one in the OP is for the Universal client?

The universal client uses Chrome right?

I’m rather use the win64 desktop client if not using a Trezor. Can we have the checksum for that too please?

It’s on GitHub.


Ahhh thank you.

I did look on GitHub but couldn’t find it, I’m a GitHub newb though.

Thanks again, I appreciate it. Merry Christmas.

Wrong nodes are indicated green.

On December 29, I was in a situation where my transaction from account to account was suspended as Unconfirmed for a long time, and was eventually canceled. If I had opened the node menu before starting the action and looked at the Block height of the current node, to which Nanowallet automatically joined, I would see that its block has Block height: 1435105.

I did not think to check the height of the block, because until that moment I had never had any problems with transactions.

At the same time, normally working nodes (which most) had Block height at this point: 1436717. They can be viewed in the same drop-down menu, sorting through them.

As a result, my transaction stuck as Unconfirmed for the Deadline, which by default is 24 hours (?). With coins, in any case nothing bad can happen, they can not disappear into nowhere, but the transaction “hung” for a day, and after Deadline it was canceled, and the coins remained on my account.

To change the node after the transaction has hung is no longer meaningful and will not have an effect on this initiated transaction. But, realizing that the transaction will not take place, you can not wait for the end of the Deadline of time, and after replacing the hung node with a working one, immediately repeat the transaction. Which I did. On a working node, the transaction was confirmed in about a minute.


When you enable the Nanowallet, it’s not enough to have a green circle on the Node button. Before the commencement of transactions, it is necessary to make sure that the current node has an actuale block. To find a working node is simple, for this you need to sort the nodes from the drop-down list and select one of those that have the same or different not more than 1 and most likely the largest Block height.

I am having trouble downloading the Nano wallet . what do i do after downloading it?

What trouble do you have?
You should extract zip archive and run it. For example for universal client it is start.html and for Windows standalone version nanowallet.exe.

Thank you so much for your help@pawelm. finally downloaded the Nem wallet. Which is the best website to buy Nem in USD?

You want to buy for other cryptocurrencies (more possibilities) or usd?

I’m really impressed by the latest wallet version is a big improvement.
Is really cool and easy to use!
I think that now even a most stupid person would be able use it properly.

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I use my own NIS for harvesting and do 10X better than other nodes. Microsoft just forced update of my NIS computer and it went offline. Installed microsoft update, turned nis on and all runs fine. It is connected to the world with port open. HOWEVER when trying to harvest with the latest nano wallet, I can only harvest on other nodes on list and cannot enter my own custom node. Is says “Error unlocking account. Invalid protocol: undefined.” I have NIS 93 which worked fine until this update.

All endpoint tests work on the NIS so it is working properly. The problem has to be in the nano wallet. Also I notice the nano wallet will arbitrarily assign nodes to harvest while trying to get my custom node to take.

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Solved. Windows update removed the IV6 from my NIS computer which removed it from the LAN. Even with ports open etc, the nanowallet could not find the NIS on the LAN. Need to figure out how to get the computer back on the network.

Hi All,

Is there any news for the trezor wallet to support harvesting?

Thanks in advance.

Version 2.1.2

  • Voting modules
  • Offline transaction modules
  • Advanced Apostille
  • BIP32 refactor
  • Invoice module and component
  • Minor fixes and improvements


The Voting module has been changed to a new structure.
The votes created in 1.4.13 are also recognized in the new version.
However, votes created with the new version will not be posted in 1.4.13.
Please indicate the compulsory update.


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Òne question. I found that when I create mosaics and set for one mosaic that levy is in firstly made mosaic and then send second mosaic to other user it doesn’t change value (the mosaic that is used for levy), but when the same transaction is performed from the account that didn’t create that mosaic same value is changed. Is that bug or by design?

@pavle.dakic in this case would you not be paying the levy to yourself?

The official download page link remains 2.0.14.
Please request change to those who have permission to update here.

Links already updated by @Saul. Still wrong version in label above but this is minor. Also reported to Saul.