I’ve tried it on Windows 7 virtual machine. Didn’t work.
Have you still configured old wallet? Maybe you can export private key from it?
What kind of files have you? Only .wlt, json file, and password? Maybe you have also private key written on paper?
I don’t have any clue how to help you and I can’t ask you to send me .wlt file for debugging purposes bacause it contains private key.
My old wallet was on my old HDD that died. Yeah, those are the only files I have. I can’t find the private key anywhere. My friend thinks the file is somehow corrupted.
That is not the right command to build the wallet. You can find the right command in the readme.
Also I doubt the linux version will work in many other places than Ubuntu.
Any success? If you don’t have any idea how to open wallet you can send me files you have and password. I can try debug this.
Of course you must be sure you cannot open this files and you are doing all ok. If files are really corupted I can try debug. Of course no success warranty.