Please consider things like namespaces to use dynamic adjustments since they are recurring. It is not as important now, but if nem continues to grow, having a critical piece like namespace be subject to variable pricing is going to be a pain. If namespaces are $20 now and $100 next year and up or down again later this becomes a problem for smaller devs, not so much for bigger enterprises.
I’ll make sure to get my name spaces once released. The issue being, as devs we will have to buy XEM and offer up services for ‘free’ during promotion. All the while in the backend we’re paying for the tx costs for the user until we can move over to a working paid model or pay-to-use. Since we don’t have harvesting or supernodes, the funds to start developing on xem will be consumed, while this might’ve been ok around $0.02c at $0.20+ and anticipating growth the more users there are will certainly increase the cost of all services.
I am getting ahead of myself since i don’t know what the transaction volume will be but i’m planning on building a service where users constantly send and receive mosaics w. messages. If there is a better way to do this w.o the fees. I’m all ears. I just don’t want each transaction to cost $0.25c to $2.50 each way. One of the biggest, adjustments/issues for mainstream adoption will be the adoption of variable micro-fees.