NEM Foundation Public Statement on Emerson Fonseca

Public Statement on Emerson Fonseca

The NEM Foundation’s company values are rooted in respect toward our community and team members, having a high degree of integrity, and creating a workplace culture where team members are safe and valued.

Every team member in 2019 and 2020 has agreed to a set of robust policies and procedures in their employment or contractor agreement that outlines sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment. These policies and procedures emphasize that the following behavior is not tolerated: sexual harassment, cyber harassment, defamation, libel, and harassment or discrimination of any kind.

All team members are strongly encouraged to report concerns about any such behavior. Some have, and as result, it is unfortunate that we must make a public statement that a former contractor in the Philippines, Emerson Fonseca (“Crypto Fonzy”), has engaged for the past year in behavior that egregiously violates such policies. As a result, he was sent a cease and desist letter which he ignored.

Emerson’s time with the NEM Foundation ended in February 2019. Emerson Fonseca does not represent the NEM Foundation nor Symbol from NEM.

Emerson’s attacks and harassment toward current NEM Foundation members Alexandra Tinsman, Laura Takenaka, Jason Lee, Pedro Guiterrez, Dona Rinon, Steve Li, Brian Tinsman, Anton Bosneko, Jeff McDonald, Karen Cohen, Greg Saive, and also former NEM Foundation members Jasmine Ng and Mark Price are unfounded, unlawful, and will not be tolerated.

Questions and concerns can be sent to:

Emerson Fonsecaに関する公式声明




結果として、フィリピンの元請負業者であるEmerson Fonseca(“Crypto Fonzy 2”)が過去1年間、こうした方針に著しく違反している行為に関与しているという公式声明を発表しなければならないのは残念です。


EmersonのNEM財団との契約期間は2019年2月に終了しました。Emerson Fonsecaは、NEM財団とも"Symbol from NEM"ともいずれもまったく関係ありません。

現在のNEM財団メンバー(Alexandra Tinsman, Laura Takenaka, Jason Lee, Pedro Guiterrez, Dona Rinon, Steve Li, Brian Tinsman, Anton Bosneko, Jeff McDonald, Karen Cohen, Greg Saive)、および以前のNEM財団のメンバー(Jasmine Ng and Mark Price)に対するEmersonの攻撃および嫌がらせには根拠がなく、違法であり、まったく容認されません。



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