NEM Library - Community Proposal

This ballot is announced to use NanoWallet 1.4.10 or more.
Is it displayed with NanoWallet v1.4.3?

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As @mizunashi said, if you use NanoWallet 1.4.3 the results are displayed upside down.

When you update to 1.4.13, you will view the final results and you will also pay less fees :smile:

ok thanks, updated the wallet and it looks the same now.

I figured my .3 > .10 but what do i know :slight_smile:

Hi Nembers!

We want to thank everyone that used, supported and shared this project from the NEM Community and the NEM Foundation. We wanted to keep adding value to NEM, and we agreed that the best way to accomplish it is working with the NEM Foundation.

We think having an MIT Open Source License helps NEM’s adoption by individuals and enterprise. Moreover, it will allow developers check, learn, explore and extend NEM software in a collaborative manner, creating a shared knowledge between all of us.

We highly encourage you to download the source code, run the tests, experiment with it and try to extend it when you find something awesome to share with everyone!

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NEM Library’s Listener functions doesn’t work in case of retrieving address related data.
AccountListener, UnconfirmedTransactionListener, ConfirmedTransactionListener won’t show any information.
BlockchainListener is working well so I can get correct information.

I’m using TEST net.

I found one who have same situation, on twitter.
Does anyone know why this is occur?
Or, am I wrong something?

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Can you open an issue at repository

Better to have everything at one place :slight_smile:

I’ve checked and it doesn’t work on testnet now, I’m already solving it, but you should open the issue at github also.

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