NEM Ventures Announces Investment in IoDLT


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Hello NEM / Symbol Community! We are glad to announce yet another IoDLT use case article.

In November of 2019, IoDLT wrote an article detailing the use of swarm learning, blockchain, and Axon IoT to aggregate and process relevant data.In that article, one of the primary examples features hospitals sharing new information about various diseases, successful treatment methods, and de-identified patient information.

In light of recent events surrounding the terrible Coronavirus, we elaborated on these concepts to discuss how the methods above could be used to help detect viral outbreaks before they occur using Symbol, swarm learning, and Axon.

Give it a read here!


IoDLT February Community Update

We are pleased to present our (belated, very busy times!) February update. This month, we have begun to think much more in terms of growing the business and generating revenue, along with the major refactoring of our products. This month also marks the exciting news of signing up our first client: Mobi.

Tech Progress

  • Axon’s core software had / is having a large overhaul. The state management and handshake mechanisms both got a much better redesign, which would allow for the implementation of different messages and communication protocols to be implemented (i.e Bluetooth). We are also looking into hardware security modules for the purpose of handling and securing private keys. Security, refinement, and an update mechanism are the next big focuses for Axon.

  • We are currently planning to add native Bluetooth support for Axon.

  • We are currently planning to implement TLS into Axon, where Axon will have an encrypted, secure connection to Catapult and communicate directly with the API node. Up until now, we have been using catapult-rest.

  • We wrote a NIP (NEM Improvement Proposal) for streamlining Symbol node configuration testing and development via Templates (node configuration standardization). It was accepted into nemtech as a standard for defining node configurations. This is currently being added into the symbol-cli, which you may find here. These contributions are quite significant, and we think they are crucial to the ecosystem.

  • As another R&D project, we have been looking into doing a Coronavirus tracker PoC on Symbol. If anyone is interested in contributing to such a project, please contact us for more details.

  • We are currently designing and getting a functional enclosure for Axon made.

Sales / Partnerships progress

  • We are excited and pleased to announce that we have signed a contract with Mobi to implement XEM and XYM payments into their app.

  • We have sent out emails to four drone companies to see if they would be interested in working with us to implement Symbol, based on our drone article.

Articles / PR

  • We released a new article with a shorter format, “Using The Symbol Blockchain, IODLT’s Axon, and Swarm Learning To Sniff Out The Coronavirus”, where we detailed how Symbol can be used to aggregate information about the Coronavirus, and subsequently provide an authentic source of truth. We later translated it into Japanese, which got quite a bit of attention. Taka Nobu (also known as XEMbook) was especially helpful in recommending what we should do to keep the Japanese community updated.

  • We are planning to release another article on the topic of tracking assets on the blockchain via Bluetooth low energy devices, such as the Tile. Users can be incentivized to find lost items via Bluetooth, and they are rewarded on Symbol for their actions. We plan to also contact several of these Bluetooth tracking companies to see if they wish to integrate Symbol into their products.

We are very excited about signing our first client: Mobi. We have really appreciated the help and support from NEM Ventures and the NEM Community thus far, it wouldn’t have been possible otherwise. We look forward to continuing to acquire more clients in the coming months and refining Axon’s tech.

Kind regards,
IoDLT Team


Good job.

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IoDLT March Community Update

Hello NEM Community!!

We hope that our March update reaches you in great health. This month, we’ve mainly focused on creating the first ever COVID-19 data tracker using the Symbol Blockchain. Also, we are planning Axon’s next steps. Despite the pandemic, we are still going strong with development to make innovative and impactful solutions using Symbol.

Tech Progress

  • Axon had some minor refinements to the networking portion, however this may change again due to recent developments.

  • Our devnet is still going strong. We reconfigured it this month to make it very developer friendly with the following features - it is the most stable network we’ve had to date:

    • 2048 Char metadata values

    • 2048 Char messages

    • 255 Multisignature cosignatory limit

    • 0 Fees for namespaces, mosaics, and transactions (great for development!)

    • 5k Aggregate inner transaction limit

    • 120 Aggregate cosignatory limit

This enables our network to be very flexible for development purposes. Anyone is free to join or use it!

  • We have an exciting update mechanism for Axon planned for the future. This mechanism will utilize a “Snap” (snaps are secure, sandboxed applications) store that is embedded as an extension Catapult node. While this advanced update mechanism that is further along in the future, we can make use of the current Snap store to push production updates to Axon devices in the field.

  • In light of the pandemic, we’ve built a PoC tracker based on our proposal from the last update. Powering this data aggregation is a general purpose SDK for data reporting. This SDK is useful for any kind of application that requires data to be put on chain - including Axon’s IoT data. It provides a permissioned, secure way to authenticate and only allow relevant data to be posted to the chain. This kind of “strict” data reporting will allow for much more efficient blockchain usage. While still in development, we have developed a good base. Future plans include a method for incentivization, experimenting with homomorphic encryption for sensitive data, and secret sharing mechanisms to better shard / distribute data. Incentivizing data gathering can help any decision-maker (government agency, business planners/leaders,…etc) see a more “complete” picture of what is happening on the ground. It helps fill in data gaps, and it gives decision-makers ability to deploy resources exactly where and when it is needed. Here is how each feature of Symbol is used for this application as of this update:

    • Namespaces are used to establish a human-readable name for a data “Archives”. Data reports are sent and added to the Archive.

    • Along with the initial establishment of the namespace, a list of owners are declared and own this Archive account via a multisignature account.

    • These owners have sovereignty over what comes in and out of the Archive through Account Restrictions. Account Restrictions can either declare an “Authorized User” on a whitelist, or a “Certification Restriction” (an account has to own a certain token).

    • Each Archive has a set of data “Schemas” associated via Namespace Metadata. These schemas declare how the dataset submitted to the archive should look like, what the required fields are and what types they should be. One Archive can contain multiple schemas to represent multiple datasets, i.e “Overall COVID Cases”, or “Testing Results By Region”.

    • Schemas can be updated by owners of the archive to reflect new information. New schemas can also be added to the archive to represent new datasets.

    • Reports are submitted in the form of Complete Aggregate Transactions with TransferTransactions containing the report in chunks. Reports can be fairly long, up to 5,120,000 characters on our development network. Reports are pulled down, stitched back together, and can be displayed on a frontend.

Sales / Partnerships progress

  • We are currently still working with Mobi on implementing XYM and XEM support in their ridesharing app.

Articles / PR / Other

  • We have signed up for the COVIDathon, where we will be submitting our decentralized and incentivized data reporting application. We are very excited to participate in our first hackathon, and hope we can make a real impact with Symbol.

  • Due to focusing on our data reporting protocol, we have not released an article this last month. However, we will do a solid write-up once our tracker is ready for public use.

We hope everyone is staying safe, and we appreciate the NEM community and NEM Ventures support in getting us this far!

IoDLT Team


I like it.

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thank for share <3