Paste you address here for beta NEM (Testnet XEM)


@bambam sent 50


please give me 500k

@maksim 500k sent

Thank you @CryptoBeliever
I would like to try to create a namespace with some mosaic, is it possible to have 300 hex?
Thank you so much

It looks like @mixmaster has a lot test xems.

Hello! Could You send 450k? Thank You!

for what do you guys need so much?
(and don’t forget to put your address…)


Just making such a cool project (in my opinion) right now.

Is this still active?


Edit - never mind I don’t think think I need test nem. I’m still learning about all of this :wink:

I don’t understand if there are some limits to get XEM (testnet), I see older posts in this thread that ask for 1 million XEM for several accounts, but when I asked some days ago I received “only” 50 XEM that are too little for my tests purpose…
I need at least 300 XEM but, if I can have 100k, 10k or 1k would be great (multiple test/project/etc…)

This is my Testnet address


You should put also how many xem you need. I have only 500 that’s why I sent you 50.
Is hard to guess how many you need. :slight_smile:

sure :smiley: you’re right. I’ve explained my need in my previous post, if someone can give me at least 300 XEM would be great!


Please send Please some NEM… the more the merrier



this is mainnet address. in this topic we asking for testnet xem (address starts with T)

Guys, could you please send me some Test XEM. 100 should be sufficient


Thank you.

Sent 100


how much you need?

300, thanks!