Paste you address here for beta NEM (Testnet XEM)

@stevesea @to-hutohu sent 500

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Could you send me some xem in my testnet wallet please?
I am learning how to use multisig


@mv328 sent 300 to both accounts


Thanks, I only now joined NEM but I see big perspective in it!

I’m lerning how to use multisig and I would like to setup nem authenticator. I need a small amount of xem for the following testnet accounts:

Main-test Account

Security Account

NEM Auth account

Multisig Account

This is mainnet address. Free XEM only for testnet. Address should start with T

@fcantusaldivar sent 1000 to Main-test account

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hello, I need some XEM for testing


sent :slight_smile:

Hello. Could you kindly send about 1000 XEM to TBDWWW-OKWOLC-LBEHRO-7XC3IR-WTX5VR-HZB5SK-XYT7 please?

@A_Kanazawa sent

@CryptoBeliever Confirmed. Thank you!!

Send me some XEM plz:

@maesin sent 300

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not at the moment. tongokongo sent me some. i’ll ask if i need more. thanks btw (:

Didn’t get this point. How Test differs from mainnet?
You sent 1000 and 300 NEM to other, but couldn’t send 1 or 0.5 NEM to me? ))

Anyway I don’t need it now, bought some NEM on Cryptopia
(So other who are reading this topic, no need to send NEM to me, I received some from Cryptopia, it was fast)

Testnet XEM are free and mainnet XEM you must buy.
This is the difference :wink:
With testnet you only test your wallet and network capabilities.

Ok, I see, that’s what I needed but I didn’t see way to create testnet account
Now I bought some NEM on Cryptopia and it arrived so I don’t need anymore

Testnet is for testing without the need for use real money.

Hi, I need some xem to create test mosaics and namespaces and subnamespaces.



*edit to correct address