Paste you address here for beta NEM (Testnet XEM)

Yes but can you motivate why you need so much? :slight_smile:

I am working on a CMS / CMF Xem integration for ecommerce. I would like to make several transactions between several Xem testnet adresses.
But less could be also ok.

@RV_Lflr: you need to post an address in order to get testnet xem ^^

Edit: ok, didn’t see the post above

@RV_Lflr I have sent you 5000. If you need more just ask.

@BloodyRookie it was above :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks !



Please send me some testnet xem, thanks!

@jackeygo1229 @wiwucom sent 300

Thank you @CryptoBeliever
I am testing namespaces and moaics, if you can send me up to 1000xem, it would be better. thanks again.

Sent 10k xem.

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Can I get some please? I need to test harvesting and then I’ll send them back in a day or two.


thanks :slight_smile:

@pilarjan I have sent you 30k but please send me back after you finish tests:)


Thank you very much:))

I am testing creation of the namespaces and mosaics so anybody can send me 1000XEM. It would mean a lot. Also if anybody have good documentation about creation of namespaces and mosaics with transactions between accounts I would appreciate.

@pavle.dakic sent 1000 XEM.



thank you


trying to develop against testnet a large amount would help thanks.

@JJacquet how much you need and why so much? :slight_smile:

Enough to test which is 10000 XEM I believe