Picture Competition Game: Third round ended! 2500 XEM Bounty for the correct guess!

Timbuktu :smiley:

Added a hint to make it a bit easier. :slight_smile:

Sidney :slight_smile:


Seattle lies in the southern hemisphere? .oO

Round 1 of the picture competition game has found a couple right guesses pretty quickly,
the correct answer is, Perth!

The quickest guess was delivered by

Congrats for being the first winner ever in the PCG!

The price has already been sent to the winner,
tx hash: f2009e1455935042cc9ea65d70b03314894a8992b8c0c5656dd0f80ff2b6f992

The response was very good&fast for a start! A second round will start #soon for sure!
Consequently I will increase the difficulty a bit, no city next time, but there will be a hint, A bit more research will be made necessary to solve the next pic puzzle. Something from the nature, be surprised!

that was fun … much easier than the sound of NEM :slight_smile:

Nice work @Brainofmasses

Thanks Saul, I will improve the game to the next release.

PCG has started the second round!

Which place do we search this time?

Rules and price remain the same for now.
The difficulty gained a bit weight but with internet connection its still easy.

Have fun!

Is the mountain located in Australia?

More then a day already passed and no correct answer has been found, let me tell you;

hint number two:
…A signal may let you peak at the correct +824 masl mountain.

Its actually two hints, both are simple coded. :wink:

me dumb, me need more hints ^^

BTT User Erik Goff discovered part 1 of hint number #2!

Signal Peak is key important but its not about him rather then his brother. There are a couple signal peaks, you might overthink it. :wink:

You don´t need part 2 of hint #2, but solving it can verify the height,…+824 obviously gotta do something before being able to see the correct height, + is just the last part.

Its interesting to watch in which regions people think the mountain is located at, might be worth to take a look at nembex with the receiving address.

PCG round two has a winner!

Correct answer is, Mount abrupt!

The price was already sent to the winner. :slight_smile:

tx hash: d2bf928177199c7da83979296c8b9cd4bd39bc7b468173d4a4ee7529c15038f7

Soon we will start into the third round, stay tuned!

Ninja start!
Third round is live now! Get 2500 XEM Bounty for the first correct guess!

Edited, sorry :slight_smile:

Edited: excellent :sunglasses:

Third round already over! We had a very good&quick researcher in this one!

Stay with us for the #4 round approaching #soon! :slight_smile:

congratulations to punapeter :slight_smile: