ProximaX & Jaguar Q+A

Again another important point I have brought up with a few candidates, the NEM ecosystem is spread amongst several privately owned repo’s - this all needs to be consolidated under a single NEM branded Organisation Repo for it to be effective, Open source collaboration needs to improve drastically.

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To be honest, I’m a bit upset that you declare that only ProximaX contributes back to the NEM ecosystem.


Well @r3n3 that is because it doesn’t.
Startlingly all the Proximax folk seem to be oblivious to the fact that it is actually Nem.
They all bag Nem, while in the same time it is built on Nem.
Some guy today was telling me how “Byzantine” nanowallet was…lol, yeah well it’s actually head and shoulders above any Proximax wallet that appears to only accept XPX transfers.


Question for Jaguar or anyone :

From ProximaX website :

Yes, each transaction on ProximaX generates a transaction on the NEM blockchain. And each transaction on the NEM blockchain needs XEM (fees).

ProximaX released their testnet. Is there link to NEM testnet ?
Easy to see if they are true. If they are , all ProximaX testnet transaction will be on NEM testnet.
If not, ProximaX is FORK .

More from ProximaX website :

ProximaX (pronounced as Proxima X) is a blockchain-based decentralized storage and content delivery network developed by some of the people behind the NEM blockchain platform.

Which people ?


Where is even link to ProximaX testnet ?
I see hype but product hard to find :roll_eyes:

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Eventually, from what I gather Proximax will one day move to its own blockchain.
The funny thing is that Nem is actually built with the feature to launch your own cryptocurrencey.
I am now starting to understand that for Nem it is not necessarily a ‘‘hard fork’’, but the natural progression of Nem’s structure.
I feel many have known this for a long time, yet have been reluctant to market it to XEM buyers.
I am not sure how this works as compared to Ethereum as all Ethereum projects utilise the ERC20 token, hence stimulate ETH volume (correct me if I am wrong).
Yet with Nem (nem:xem), I do not think prx:xpx has the same effect as it is two different tokens(this may be quite incorrect, someone can correct it if they like).
And really no one mosaic is obligated to stay on the Nem blockchain.

In reality Proximax and others like Loyalcoin are really complimentary to the Nem “ecosystem”,
as they are successful ventures spawned from within Nem.

I see this as not a move against Nem but an addition to the future possibility’s.

If somone can clarify what I am trying to say, it would be helpful.
Also if an admin feels this post is in the wrong thread feel free to move it.

I was getting PMs asking about ProximaX and no feedback from Council on this so I asked Jag to clarify. He’s busy and said he’d answer 3-5 questions. So there you go. Not regulating… just consolidating. :woman_shrugging:t3:


No Alex the photo represents the last 12 months.
It is nothing personal on you, it merely a photo that I made up in representation of all I have read here on the forum in the last week.
I found it humorous, maybe some have no sense of humor but do not let it get you down, the future is bright.

Indeed one must laugh at times, its good for the soul.

I took the pic down anyway, its probably not fitting here in this thead.



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Hello. I’ll try to answer your inquiries about ProximaX and I hope it’ll help.

There are 2 versions of ProximaX, the first version was built using NIS1 and it’s basically an IPFS + NEM (NIS1) Integration. In this setting, all uploads to ProximaX storage node costs a certain fee + XEM as transaction fees. We’ve halted the support for this version cause this isn’t really the complete vision we have in mind. Our entire vision of a new ecosystem of integrated decentralized technologies just won’t work with NIS1, hence we have version 2 which uses Catapult.

Yes, proximax is a HARD FORK but the great thing about Catapult is that even though we have different consensus algorithm and more plugins / contracts, its architecture and framework allows any fork to swap (cross chain transaction) between other forks. In fact, we have a project now that utilizes this feature. We set up 2 private chains and made cross chain transactions in each. It’s awesome to see it actually works. :slight_smile:

In laymans, if

  • Company 1 forked Catapult (Cat1)
  • Company 2 forked Catapult (Cat2).

Cat1 can still do cross chain transactions with Cat2 UNLESS one of them remove this feature on their code base.

You said it’s all hype, but you fail to understand that we just started mid this year. We’ve been trying our best to be transparent to the public with our monthly tech update ( and been tweeting some teasers of our progress. ProximaX is a platform and catapult is just one of the components under that platform. Given the timeframe, I’d say we’re actually early to release TESTNET but we did it anyway and here’s why…

The intention of the TESTNET release is so that we can prepare our engagement with community. We have weekly release and updates on the TESTNET environments and we will soon open up our tools for developers to try it out. I believe that engaging the broader community will create a battle tested solution in the long run and the platform will be better prepared for main network. We’re not creating hype at all, we just need the community to know cause we will be needing their help on this.

Here are the testnet links:

Most of our source (about 90%) is private but here is our github repo:

Our blog if you want to get the latest updates.

I am not as active as Lon on forums and chat groups because I need to keep our engine room running (keep #buidling), but if you have questions you can always ping me via Telegram. I’ll do my best to answer.


In hindsight, “only” was probably a poor word choice. It would be more appropriate to say:

The ProximaX team is making significant contributions back to the ecosystem and is the only team I’m aware of that has attempted to modify the catapult-server code.

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Thanks for the response @Jaguar0625 :hugs: