Purchased 150 XEM send to account on NEM iOS app? [SOLVED]


I purchased 150 XEM at LiteBit.eu and send it to an account generated by the NEM app, LiteBit states that the transaction was successful but my account states that it has a balance of 0 XEM. I also can’t find whether its still verifying or the transaction hasn’t been finished yet.

Thanks in advance.

Maybe this info can be useful?

Public key:
Importance: 0 * 10(-5)
Vested balance: 0.000000 XEM
Balance (network): 150.000000 XEM
Balance (nembex): 150.000000 XEM

  • IN: 150.000000 + mIN 0.000000 - OUT: 0.000000 - mIN 0.000000 + H 0.000000
    Harvested blocks: 0 (nembex)
    0 (nem network)
    Harvested fees: 0.000000 XEM
    Remote harvesting:
    Owned mosaics (most recent top 10)

Recent transactions (changing balance)

Transfer transactions
Sender /
Recipient Amount
Fee Height Timestamp
ncojf3-i562s7-swieip-sb7a6c-l2t6e4-aag3pv-75ko 150.000000
2.000000 1167606
2017-06-24 09:39:07
2017-06-24 09:49:07
tx hash: f7b20060f1500729863bb0cd8c7756491bffd7a1b7690e2122bd634ec7bc7079


The xem are on the account. Are you connected to a fully synced node?

Thanks you so much for some reason i was on the .china account by default! This solved the issue.