QR code which can be recognized by Android and iOS is different

This can be read on Android and iOS.


This can be read on iOS, but Andorid will be rejected because the format is different.


The difference is whether there is a “name” tag.
And Android will generate an error unless a value is set in the “name” tag.

Please make the behavior the same as the specification.
I think that compulsory and omission are different things.


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Thank you Rin. We have had people complaining about this. I will pass this on to the dev.

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additional information.

When reading the following QR,

{“v”:2,“type”:2,“data”:{“addr”:“NBZNQL2JDWTGUAW237PXV4SSXSPORY43GUSWGSB7”,“amount”:1234567,“msg”:“invoice”,“name”:“Qiita XEM invoice”}}

Android : amount is 1.234567

iOS : amount is 1 , does not recognize the decimal point.

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