Sending mosaic to multiple wallets


As a result of a bounty program, I need to send small amounts of a mosaic to 1200+ different wallets. Which is the best way to do this, apart from doing all transfers manually?


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I do not think you can, Catapult supports this, it is called aggregated transactions (unsure of limit).
Not sure if the current chain supports this.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Hi, You can do it by coding simple loop for example in javascript.
If you don’t know how to do it you can look at sth like this Mass messaging and Mosaic distribution (google sheet implementation) but it will require changes because right now it’s sending transaction with message.

Thank you very much for your answers.

@xemnewbie yep, I did some research and it seems that’s the case

@CryptoBeliever Looks good! Will have a look at it

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