[URL=http://s885.photobucket.com/user/wirralnick/media/nemreykjavik_zps9a391de6.jpg.html][img width=800 height=355]http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/wirralnick/nemreykjavik_zps9a391de6.jpg[/img][/URL]
You want to darken the color a bit more, especially the dark yellow/orange? These are the original colors:
Orange: #e1a92b
Green: #41ce7c
Gray: #8e8e8e
[img width=500 height=500]http://static.squarespace.com/static/52fd44e2e4b0d3e64dc22c95/t/53eec8c7e4b0b87c659a3f5d/1410586450456/?format=1500w[/img]
The point I made above is still true...if you project an image onto a dark background, the tones change, also, you are looking at something over quarter of a mile away. This is the official logo that I have used with the opacity reduced to appear as a projection... a more solid colour would look less real IMHO...