Stuck and need help [SOLVED]

i’ve bougth NEM 2 times, and wanted to sell some NEM today so i wanted to send them tho the exchange, but when i send them i get the error: FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_MULTISIG

but i’ve never created an multisig account, but in my history of NEM withdraws there is standing that there was a account created but i only have 1 wallet account and 1 account in it and this does the transaction say’s

ggregate modification transaction
Fee 0.500000 XEM
Modifications 1
Min cosignatories1
Modifications list:
Hash 38cf522fe39c0fdbe30e368a11003b2150d6dffed012d561d4e9d8a899729231

can some one help me are my nem coins lost?

Sorry for my bad engilsh

Do you use Nano Wallet’s Brain wallet?

The cosignatory of your account is also cosignatory of the supernode XendXomeXems.
So either that supernode account got hacked too or the owner of the supernode is having fun locking your account.

Hi. Please do steps as follows:

  1. Open your wallet
  2. Go to transaction with hash 36a09f4ebadc00ad988b8ccb75ae984d4265aeb7ace11a68e5c7b13d3ee33915 (last trasaction)
  3. Open this transaction and read encrypted message. This message should contain istructions for you. Please check if I’m right.

i use Nano Wallet’s Mainnet

Yes there is! now i have to figgure out how i can unlock them!

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@renzo606 great !
@BloodyRookie it’s @mizunashi job -> Please stop using brain wallet! and Refund to you :wink:

@CryptoBeliever: ok, good to know :slight_smile:

Already Refund.