Trandsfer from wallet to nem change account

I don’t understand you at all :slight_smile:
Could you answer me what nanowallet version are you using?

Nanowallet beta

Version… 1.4.13, 2.0.4, 2.1.2?

Version: BETA 1.3.0

Please upgrade to new nanowallet. You using old one and that’s why fees are so big. and make sure you have wlt file backup from old wallet. You need to import it into new version.

Tutorial how to deposit on nemchange :

look is the coins transfer or not sorry im new in this kind of

How you can be new and you using so old wallet? :slight_smile:
Please export wallet and import it into new one.
You will pay big fee if you will use old one.

Also please follow video (after you upgrade your wallet).

yes i will do but i have transfer my coins without massage only with the adress. this coins come back because without massage where they come?. or what i can do?
this version i load down until 1 month

So you downloaded it not from official site ( because this is version from over 1 year.

This is very small amount but if you want it back you must contact with nemchange support (email or Telegram channel ->

thank you very much for help.
every thing is working.i have allready transfer my coins to nem change, but i dont understand if i sail a amount and give a price why i must also giv in how much xem. i have the same xem like my sell price but the other people round about only the half xem from her sellingprise . what mines this?

Please go to nemchange Telegram group. They will explain you trading on this exchange.

i dont find the site.
i have a question i how i se when some body have buy my coins

Nemchange Telegram group.