Hi, I have a local NIS synchronizing and one of my system are using it. Let’s say my local NIS is now sync until block height: 2840819 but the main network is already at block height: 2841022. Here is my question, if I did a transfer of mosaic on my local NIS which has a slower synchronization stuck at 2840819, will the transaction not be recorded?
This is because I have a transaction hash return back to me when the transfer of mosaic is successful which is 122f563eeb160be153e581e0183e3dd96c85d1fd978c5c1bf3ff26c6f36ac0f9 but when I search this transaction hash in https://testnet-explorer.nemtool.com/ . There is no such transaction.
I will appreciate if anyone can help on this. Thank you in advance.
FYI: This is an testnet transaction