What are some use cases for a reputation system?

We want to create a reputation system on the NEM blockchain. What are some use cases that you can imagine this being useful for?

May be use it to make application like market place on blockchain??
where buyers & sellers both use reputation system.

Same can be used for decentralzed companies or assets or namespaces to be trusted one.

Just quick thoughts…

Use cases heavily depend on how that system would work. Do you have a mechanism in mind that you can lay out publicly ?

something like amazon user reviews on products for NEM assets?

great idea go for it

just a rating stored in blockchain and a link external to the real review text

the review weight should deepens on the amount of NEM the address that give the rating owns

this way no empty fake address create hurting crap reputation ratings

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I can think of a ton of use cases!
Apart from the obvious, as currently used in various websites (ebay, tripadvisor, …)

For example:

-A reservation system; where you need to thrust your customer to come through with the payment.
-For a rental service, you need to thrust your customer that he/she will bring back what is rented and in time.
-Things we discussed over a year ago about the fair trade.
-Decentralised auditing.

I can think of numerous things like that.
The real question is: How can this be organised in such a way that there is a good overview?
It will be difficult to make a system that is flexible and not prone to clutter…

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Or see this :

How the system works depends on the use cases.

Well let’s assume that the reputation system can tell me how trustworthy an account is based on certain factors.
Then the most obivous use case integration into mosaics if there will be orders. Without orderds I don’t think reputation is important there as you have to hatch it out off chain anyway.

If it’s a reliable system then merchants could choose to instantly accept tx from accounts with a very good reputation.

Do you mean orders without having to pay for them in advance?
This is how I was thinking about it:
Imagine NEM has a reputation system that gives me confidence that a certain account with a decent POI and a good reputation is trustworthy and that account knows that if it behaves different that it will receive a reputation penalty.
Then this reputation system could for instance be used by merchants to decide whether to accept payment by invoice instead of immediate payment.
When we consider this strictly for XEM this doesn’t make much difference, but once we would start transacting mosaics and accept payment in fiat it can make a huge difference. This could also be a use case for business rules ( the reputation reward based upon timely payment of the invoice I mean).

I think one of the major adoption problems for crypto is still the price stability issue and the difficulties to convert fiat to XEM. This could be counteracted partially by a reputation system.

On the other and I can think of several other interesting use cases…
Imagine something like a consultancy platform on NEM where each consultant will receive reputation points when the customer is satisfied. This would greatly benefit the companies looking for a consultant that is actually good at the required job instead of someone who is merely good at profiling themselves.

Honestly the idea of having a good reputation system on a blockchain sounds really exciting to me.
However, to create a reliable system for these use cases that has sufficient transparency to ensure it can be used for all of them separately will be quite challenging.

A lot of the things I have mentioned can probably be created with mosaics too. This would create alot of flexibility but would be subject to some sort of centralisation.

I will give this some further thought and work out some ideas a little more. One of the issues is still that for some transactions you would like to assign a reputation reward in the opposite direction of the transaction meaning you would probably work with a separate transaction for the reputation itself , which is undesirable IMO.

So as a bump, is a reputation system something that is still viable as part of NEM ?

I have some conceptual ideas that would benefit from such a system, so it it’s not something the devs consider to pursue I’ll have to draw my conclusions from it :wink:

I’m convinced this can become a very important feature if done right. On the down side it will be an elaborate job to code a decent reputation system.

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I’m still convinced it’s very important as blockchisns grow and get wide scale use and commerce. I also know Makoto really wants to see it happen.

I haven’t heard any word on any code but I hope it gets worked on.

What’s your idea?

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Well, I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and have come up with some ideas to get this to work. The ideas I have would also enable smart contracts in a very simple but flexible way. The only thing that can not be done this way is escrow, but that’s were the reputation comes in handy.

I will have to work out the details but I’m sure it can be achieved relatively easy on NEM.

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