I have an idea for NEM assets.
I make digital art. Let's say I want to protect the copyright of my art while still giving it away free for personal use.
With the current way the world works, one has to involve lawyers and lots of time and money, plus it's generally difficult for people who may actually even WANT to pay me for the rights to use my work commercially if I do not go through the hassle of setting a price and a payment gateway and all of that.
Now, imagine a world where one could easily buy the rights to use my work for commercial purposes, AND have an easy way to invest in my work much like one would invest in a physical painting. NEM assets could make this happen. (Of course, Counterparty, Dogeparty, or the NXT AE could also be used for this, but if NEM makes it easy and markets this idea it could make NEM the go-to choice for this type of thing.)
Let's say I make a piece of art like: https://38.media.tumblr.com/683326acccfa1b47b2d685c39c0d1c4a/tumblr_nd4vxdR2gc1s12c3do1_1280.png
(Shameless plug, I did make this.)
Now, I could make a NEM asset with a limited quantity like say, 1000 that represents the rights to use this piece of art for commercial purposes. So, you're free to repost this on your blog or download it and use it as a wallpaper or any of that, but if you want to use my art in any commercial endeavor, you'd need to buy the asset that I issue on the NEM asset exchange.
Then, if I discover my art being used commercially somewhere it should not be, I can simply ask for proof of this asset. If they cannot provide that proof, then it is a clear case of infringement which can be handled accordingly. Otherwise, they are free to use it as they wish.
Interestingly, this also provides investment opportunities. If someone thinks I will be some sort of amazingly famous artist in the future, they could invest in my assets early for cheap and resell the rights later at a higher price when there is higher demand. This not only provides me with income, but provides an interesting investment opportunity for the public at large as well. Plus, it makes cases of infringement easy to identify.
The same concept could be applied to any digital item to create a type of digital scarcity and simple form of universal DRM for music, movies, books, etc.
For example, one could have a simple app for DRM that just checks your NEM account for the existence of an asset that represents the usage rights to a digital item and if it is not present, it would not allow the user to view or use the item. Since your NEM wallet is stored locally, this check could also theoretically be performed without Internet, which would eliminate the common complaint about DRM today which requires an "always on" connection.
With this method you could give away an album that is free to listen to for 1 month or any arbitrary amount of time, but after a certain point would "expire" if the asset that represents it is not present in your NEM wallet. This not only provides DRM but also a way of providing "limited edition" items in a digital age without scarcity. So, I could release a limited edition album with special bonus tracks with a limited supply of 1000 copies (i.e., 1000 asset shares). This again both creates scarcity and a great investment opportunity, much like a physical limited edition item would.
What do you guys think?
Sounds good. But I think we will need to do a bit more drill down on the proof of right to use. There should be an easy way of verifying than to ask the person to proof so. i.e., more automated.
It's probably possible to modify some pixels or header data in such a way to get a unique byte sequence that can be hashed. Once hashed, that could be put in a message on the block chain and some system could be built on top that tracks usage of the files and licensing based on that. Each license could have a unique hash and the image bytes or header bytes could be changed to create unique hashes.
Yes, I was thinking something along these lines as well. I think it could have some serious potential, really. To me, it's a nice mix of both the freedom we all love from the Internet and a way for content creators to make money in an ethical and fair way.