Why would I invest $125 to "harvest"

me too::sob:

I was just joking about the fact that I don’t have the funds to buy harvestable amounts right now and that I regret not buying it when I could have afforded it. No offence meant to nem :slight_smile:

I meant to reply to OP. My answer wasnt directed at you :slight_smile:

Harvesting is practically free, not like bitcoin that you going to end up paying a lot for the electricity wasted by your bitcoin ASIC miners. You can actually do delegated harvesting which is practically a offline harvesting method, you don’t even need to have your computer on to harvest.

So there is no reason NOT to invest, i remember i saw 1 guy with 10,000 XEM vested balance that harvest a block with 5000 XEM in it, he profit half his balance. You can actually get really lucky, harvesting is all about luck.

5000? Wow. The most I’ve harvested in a block is around 300+ XEM.

Ive been harvesting 2 weeks and still dont have a block. Ive got over 20k vested.

I have had over 10k vested for weeks and I have NEVER harvested anything and people I know that used to harvest haven’t gotten anything in weeks also so something is fishy.

the last block i harvested was in june 5. Your importance score is too low, Is not guaranteed you are going to find a block daily, i have 1.25 million XEM and have a importance score of 1.45%, i harvest 1 block per day average, some days two blocks per day, with a 10K XEM your importance score must be really low. You are lucky is you find a block weekly and extremely lucky if you find a two blocks per day… if you know what i mean.

Where do you find this importance %

also depends how much ‘activity’ transactions there are on the network.

Price is consolidating, and volume is slowing, so more blocks will have 0 fees. When price shoots up and interests peaks, you will see more blocks with healthy fees.

Also, if you 're doing delegated harvesting, you will want to make sure that that node is online and running. Some people pick supernodes to delegate off of, then they get sold off or closed down for some reason or another, and are unable to harvest anymore…

POI can be found here:

or just look your address up in explorer

Thanks willowfoot. So one more question. How do I know a node is online and running and which is a supernode? That would be useful to know if the node I am trying to harvest can even be harvested or I am just wasting my time.