XEM stuck "in process" on Yobit, not sending to Bittrex already 6 days passed

Hello, I have withdrawn 1379,85 XEM from my Yobit wallet and sent it to my Bittrex wallet almost one week ago. The transaction is still “in process” and I Yobit support isn’t doing anything about it. I’ve sent multiple tickets, wrote to them on Facebook, Twitter, nothing works. Can you please help me out? I’m desperate.
I have no idea what to do, please intervene, it’s already been that long and I’ve lost money on transferring, not being able to trade o do anything for that matter since my XEM are stuck in this transition.

Best regards,

First of all Bittrex and Yobit don’t use individual accounts for users. That’s mean every XEM transfer from this exchanges is from one account (NBRT3YQTVHLTYBDUXH2HHURI5KCYDWRWJ63YWIGG for Yobit and ND2JRPQIWXHKAA26INVGA7SREEUMX5QAI6VU7HNR for Bittrex). Every deposit is assigned to customer based on message code send in message field. That’s why attaching message is so important.

Bittrex account: http://chain.nem.ninja/#/search/ND2JRPQIWXHKAA26INVGA7SREEUMX5QAI6VU7HNR
Yobit account: http://chain.nem.ninja/#/search/NBRT3YQTVHLTYBDUXH2HHURI5KCYDWRWJ63YWIGG

Because this addreses doesn’t belong to only you I need also transaction hash to verify transaction in blockchain. Transaction hash (id) should be visible in your Yobit withdraw history.

All I have is this, the moment I bought it and then the history for withdrawal.
It won’t let me open it like with the others.
I will attach my buying order too, take 20 XEM out of that, it was the fee.

If there is no hash id that’s mean informations can give you unfortunately only Yobit exchange support. I can only assume that there was some processing error in Yobit exchange and transaction is not visible in blockchain.

What do you advise me to do? They haven’t answered any of the tickets and they seem to not care at all about the fact that I lost money and the little left is stuck.

Sorry but I don’t know - all this depends on Yobit exchange. I read couple commens on Twitter and people complaining their quality of service and calling this exchange scam (I hope it’s not).

Thanks, Yobit ain’t helping and it seems I lost all my money.
I’m so sad, just sad. Why?! :frowning:

Keep trying contact with support. For example Poloniex support answers sometimes after couple months.

Thank you very much for your time. Is there anything I can do to convince someone from XEM to email Yobit and have them look into the matter? I’m really desperate :frowning:

I don’t think so because if they doesn’t answer for your email probably the same will be if I or other forum member write. You can spam they twitter, facebook account with support ticket number. Only thing you can do I think…

A post was merged into an existing topic: Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!

Im have same problem … but im withdraw 180k dogecoin but status always in process :frowning:
Im write in chatrom yobit but dominic just answer : sending: error wait tech fix it :frowning:
#Sorry oot but same problem

This has nothing to do with XEM. Even if it did, Yobit would be the one to contact.