XEM Transaction Detail " Not found" [MOVED]

hi everybody… 500 XEM missing ?
Date : 28/02/2018 11:30:00 AM ( 2 days ago)
From ( www.cryptopia.co.nz/) to ( https://spectrocoin.com)

you can see details and photos…
Crytopia withdraw İd : 3327894
(… XEM 501.00000000 1.00000000 Complete 3423e394af1ec29685ebcd74234c58e5be70fed9b84bcd9299b713f9e65412b8 NBFRCTQAEC6ITWADQ753QZVKBQ76BXDKVMG7JMO3:IEyrudHl 28/02/2018 11:30:00 AM )

Crytopia is saying OK…but XEM did’nt go to my spectrocoin Wallet.
and control page XEM http://explorer.ournem.com/#/s_tx?hash=3423e394af1ec29685ebcd74234c58e5be70fed9b84bcd9299b713f9e65412b8 “not found”

How can i solved this problem …thankss

A post was merged into an existing topic: Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!