A list of Tx for a certain period

I want to obtain a list of Tx for a certain period (date and time) on catapult.
(For example, a period of 2019/1/10 to 2019/1/20)
I am planning to record the block height of a fixed time every day in the DB and to obtain a list of Tx based on that block height.
Do you have any other ideas?
Thank you.

Probably best would be to record only the first block and last block of each day (nearest to 00:00:00 amd nearest to 23:59:59).

With that you will be able to do daily block requests without storing each and every block number… its probably also fine to store them all, related to their said time, but that is actuslly already handled onchain… with each block, there is also always a timestamp.

thank you gevs.
I will use it as an example.