Hi guys,
Do you have any plans to add Nem to Binance.com exchange.
As far as I know people from foundation speaking with all from biggest exchanges. But no more details before official announcement can be done.
Yes NEM, needs to get on more of the biggest exchanges …
We can all email in support of nem regardless of what the foundation is doing. It will show support just like when you email your local politician about an issue, the more they see it the more likely they are to support it.
Yes, Binance would be nice but GDAX would be better. NEM fits all the criteria for GDAX and getting listed there would earn us more respect than Binance, but for now either would be great to add liquidity and adoption. # NEMonGDAX
Please some CEO or Co-Founder to fill this application form and
Please submit your proposition directly to our marketing manager at oyyq@binance.com and they will contact you as soon as they can.
XEM’s already been on the voting list there. It was outgunned by other coins spamming and buying votes.
I agree, hope this happens soon.
Really? How do you know?
Having more exchanges will make the coin more reliable.
What the community can do to improve this situation?
Community should participate in the mosaic exchange first…
WE ARE ON BINANCE! Not much price action per listing but this is a huge plus for liquidity. Good Job community and NEM foundation!