Adept - Samsung and IBM

This very well might be the most ambitious blockchain project.  Their resources are deep and their developers are probably well organized.

There is a chance we can challenge them but we are going to need a lot of organic growth and maybe another 20 main devs.

I think this is possible if we can rally the alt community behind us a drain the talent away from the other projects. 

It is very doable.  The world loves the story of how a bunch of people from all over came together to build something great with very little to start with except their will, hard work, and dream to make something great.

This is very important to keep an eye on.

Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like…

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea…let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like...

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea...let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


Seems a bit redundant to me. I thought facebook was the place to know the consistency of peoples crap.

Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like...

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea...let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


BTW, I know you have constipation but still you need to flush the toilet no matter how hard you have tried. ;)

Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like...

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea...let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, bringing connectivity and computation into everyday life is too useful, so it will happen for sure.

Welcome to hell on earth!

Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like...

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea...let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, bringing connectivity and computation into everyday life is too useful, so it will happen for sure.

Welcome to hell on earth!

I understand the fear of worrying about the government using this to oppress people, and that will problem happen in many countries but I have a better dream.

While it's true that the government could use it to watch us, at least now we could turn the tables and use the IoT and blockchain to watch the government.  Right now we already live in a world where the government can track your phone, email, credit cards, and probably even the amount of electricity and water you use and when, so really they can probably already tell by monitoring your water line exactly when you flush anyway.

But how can we watch them? We can't! They lie and we have no check. All systems need checks.

And what can we do to hide? We can't. They already know when we flush under the current system. But.... If we put the whole government on the blockchain and IoT, then when can watch it. Additionally, if we build privacy options into blockchsins, privacy options that really work, and we make them only for citizens and not governments, then for the first time, we will have a real chance at privacy.

It sounds like no state or government would allow that, but actually the first state or government that does, will get economy boom.

Am I the only one who thinks that IOT is the worst idea humanity has brough forward in quite some time ?

It's like...

"We're being put under surveilance and our rights are stripped from us everyday. I worry about my privacy and democracy"

"Oh I have an idea...let's connect even more devices so people can literally know when we take a shit"


I completely agree with you. Unfortunately, bringing connectivity and computation into everyday life is too useful, so it will happen for sure.

Welcome to hell on earth!

I understand the fear of worrying about the government using this to oppress people, and that will problem happen in many countries but I have a better dream.

While it's true that the government could use it to watch us, at least now we could turn the tables and use the IoT and blockchain to watch the government.  Right now we already live in a world where the government can track your phone, email, credit cards, and probably even the amount of electricity and water you use and when, so really they can probably already tell by monitoring your water line exactly when you flush anyway.

But how can we watch them? We can't! They lie and we have no check. All systems need checks.

And what can we do to hide? We can't. They already know when we flush under the current system. But.... If we put the whole government on the blockchain and IoT, then when can watch it. Additionally, if we build privacy options into blockchsins, privacy options that really work, and we make them only for citizens and not governments, then for the first time, we will have a real chance at privacy.

It sounds like no state or government would allow that, but actually the first state or government that does, will get economy boom.

I'm sorry but I have to say that's bs. The goverment won't be on a blockchain with this. Only consumers use crap like that and those are normal people not 3-letter agencies or whatever.
You can dream all you want but I urge you to wake up and face the reality and fight it by not adopting such crap, at least trying to hide and raising your voice against it.
Of course there is more you can do but that would be ot.

Hi Pat, I'm not saying they "will", I said "if". I've also stated it would be very hard.

But if you examine the past history of human culture what you find is a general trend towards exactly what I described.

There are times when the powers that be consolidate their powers but then occasionally there are big breaks where more power is given to the people. Right now we are clearly in a state where the powers that be are consolidating power, so I iunderstand you negative attitude, but soon it is possible that we might have a period where the people get more power.

Here is the example. 500 years ago in most places on earth the king/chief owned all the land, probably owned all the money, and maybe even owned all the people, but if not owning all the people at least probably owned some of them.

But some select groups gained freedom, then some of these select were even able to own land. Then all people became free and then all people could own land.  And with Bitcoin for the first time we have now taken power of money away from the king.  It is hard for us to know just what power the Kings will lose in the next 100 years but many of us think it'll lose money, and then after that, I'd like to see it lose the power over the military. I know that seems unthinkable, but no more than a black woman going from being a slave with no vote who was also subservient to her husband to being a rich and powerful woman like Oprah.

And people living before the Civil War would have thought having a black man for President would be just as unlikely as we think making the government put records in the blockchain and being transparent.  And I say that such a thing would be just as hard as getting a black man to be President, yet it still can be done. There are numerous projects going on right now working towards these ideas. Look into Factom and Bitnation. These would be the same as the early groups of women meeting trying to discuss in church groups how they will plan to gain sufferage. At the time they started, people thought it impossible, but within a few decades, they achieved their dream.