Alice4 is evil?

Just spotted in my NIS log:

2018-01-12 14:43:52.616 INFO failed to synchronize with Node [Hi, I am Alice4 <NDNQWXFKVVLA6RVUIGLG6AZVF3FRBV7L5WMIZ3ZT>] @ []: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_LIED_ABOUT_CHAIN_SCORE (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

Anything to be concerned about?

No, just means that while syncing your node first asked about the chain score (which Alice4 returned) and then before actually pulling a bunch of blocks Alice4 received and added a new block and thus your node saw a longer chain with higher score which does not match the expected score.
That happens sometimes and is nothing to worry about.

Hm ok. Bit of a over-the-top error message then!
