Alpha 0.2.18 is here!
There is mandatory switch to 0.2.18. Even if you have switched to 0.2.16.
Not updating will result in staying on a fork
You can start NCC and NIS with the following link:
Standalone version:
Usual Troubleshooting Guide:
[li]standalone - shouldn't have issues with this release[/li]
[li]kill any running jawa/jawaws processes[/li]
[li]Go to java control panel, and hit "View…" (can be run with javaws -viewer)
[li]from "applications" remove both NCC and NIS[/li]
[li]to be sure check resources and clean them all (this will cause redownload of everything, which might take a bit, but should help with most of the problms)[/li]
[li]If you end up on a fork, go to c:\users<i><username>, and delete NEM\NIS subdirectory[/li]