An Idea with how transactions are displayed (in the Client)

After playing with spamming transactions to different testNEM accounts, I noticed my client while scrolling through all my transactions (left the spam bot on for a little over a day with 10 sec intervals) starting to lag the more transactions I viewed while scrolling down when looking for transactions prior to spamming. Not sure why it does this (I'm not a coder so I could be completely wrong  :P) but could it be because of all the transactions prior to scrolling past "loading more transactions" being cached or something?

Up to you dev's if you want to implement it (its mostly a minor thing at this point compared to the whole project) but my idea is maybe create transactions in a listed page view (if that may help lag…if not then don't need to do anything)? Like say have 20 transactions per page, and nothing more, with little arrows that can be clicked to view the next 20 or prior 20, etc. So its not just one long list of transactions  :slight_smile:

You guys are doing amazing work so far and regardless I still love NEM and can't wait for release :slight_smile:

I like the paging more than having infinite scrolling too, but the majority of devs voted for infinite scrolling.
How many transactions were you scrolling down before it started to lag?

I like the paging more than having infinite scrolling too, but the majority of devs voted for infinite scrolling.
How many transactions were you scrolling down before it started to lag?

maybe like 5 or so [Load more transactions] "lists" worth of transactions. I haven't really counted other than looking for the ones I did prior.  I don't mind the lag, was just an idea.  :)

I like the paging more than having infinite scrolling too, but the majority of devs voted for infinite scrolling.
How many transactions were you scrolling down before it started to lag?

what were the arguments for infinite scrolling, or arguments against paging?

My brother found out about that issue too. When you scroll down and let more transactions load like 20 times, you will see that your browser needs a lot of CPU every few seconds. I guess this is the case, because the confirmations for every transaction gets updated frequently.

My brother found out about that issue too. When you scroll down and let more transactions load like 20 times, you will see that your browser needs a lot of CPU every few seconds. I guess this is the case, because the confirmations for every transaction gets updated frequently.

Sounds more like the scrolling is confusing the browser into loading them very often which causes some CPU load.

I think the confirmations are refreshed every few seconds anyway, but the more transactions there are, the more CPU time is needed to do it. It is probably a pretty unefficient way, but it is JavaScript and HTML stuff, so probably no chance to improve it.