Another Catapult question

There was a lot of partial information about catapult but we (NEM users and community members)
still do not have information about the features that are planed and will be implemented in it?
Can anyone compile a public list of features that will be implemented in catapult
with feature name and feature description (user case) before is released :wink: ?


i have contact mr valero about catapult so i could get info on to produce a video. i got same respons , better, faster and so on. i would love some date, nr. or anything that i could fill 2 min. with. will have to wait n see what if data will come.

Hi Sarah,

Catapult is designed to increase throughput, flexibility, stability, optimization of network communication, and scalability, offering better network performance as well as with more enhanced features

Catapult Whitepaper: if you wish to dig deeper

Catapult Wiki: