Any news from crypto apex?

Wasn’t there a beta planned in September? What’s the outcome of the discussion between nem core team and applicant?

Just curious.

i can’t speak about the implementation side as I have no part in that but I can speak about the application for 50m XEM.

The Crypro Apex members have all submitted there true identities, more detailed business plan along with business certificates to me and those have been approved.

I have set up a trello board so that said application can be reviewed, commented on and voted, but activity in that board has been very low. I haven’t pushed people to really force the process as NEM is at a busy time right now and some members are focusing on somethings that take up a lot of their time and I didn’t want them to be distracted. (Both on the marketing and dev side of the core team).

It’s a little tricky as this is the first application so not just the actually voting but the process leading up to it needs to be handled in a clear way that isn’t rushed or sloppy.

Later applications should be able to move through the system faster.

jabo38 has already told about the status of our funding application, so I won’t go there anymore.

We are still working with the software. I believe that a closed beta can be started relatively soon, but I can’t promise any exact date for it. We still need to discuss with the team about how we shall arrange the beta testing, when the time comes.

We are working very hard everyday to get our exchange up and running as soon as possible.

Discussion is here now Crypto Apex's Application, Second Round