What are your thoughts about this?!
I see he mentions NEM as well.
More and more governments are starting to regulate the cryptocoin market, the banks are starting to issue their own cryptos, the biggest companies in the world are starting to work with blockchain technology. I think by the end of this year, the total market cap will be over 300 billion dollars. In my opinion, what Satoshi Nakamoto started in 2009 it cannot be undone.
He says “NEM’s scam airdrop is just an obfuscation of the economic reality that tokens are then sold by this exclusive group to investors as securities because the expectation-of-profit depends on that exclusive group’s ongoing managerial or entrepreneurial duties”
To prove this, he cites some random fud post from btt about nem creators creating all the btt accounts and distributing all nem amongst themself, which is bulshit, so you dont have to worry about anythihng he says…
(Or maybe i was the only real participant of nem airdrop and all the rest of accounts were sockpuppets. But it can get even worse… Maybe I am the only person in this universe and you all are just projections of my mind … )
good recap of why china did that
nem right now regains market.
(This is answer to “anonymint” from steemit)
Lol, you cited me out of this forum. Kind of cool.
After airdrop, taint analysis was used to get rid of sock puppets. Since donation addreses were public this analysis was checked by many community members.
There were endless discussions about this on btt …
If you did your onw research you would know this.
Being here from the start and rading though most of that crap on btt while it was happening, your claims are just funny to me … that is the reason for my “pathetic logic”(i am just too lazy for this).
Your only proof that nem airdrop was scam is that “they” did not add facebook or other form of verification.
FACEBOOK verification for BITCOINALK crowd in 2014. Do you really dont understand why this was not an option?
Well, it is hard to have argument with you then.
Maybe I am wrong and nem is actually a scam created by a small group of people just to enrich themselves.
Lets see in few years who was right.
(Or maybe I am one of them, lol, another sockpuppet “they” created)
Prove it. BS will not work when the regulators come knocking.
They’re lying of course.
If you’d listened to my blog, you would have sold ICO-issued coin before the crackdown which I predicted. And the crackdown will get worse and worse until all the ICO-issued tokens are delisted from all exchanges.
Maybe or maybe not. Either way, it proves nothing as I already explained the linked rebuttal.
So we’re at guilty until proven innocent then ?
The guy provides 0 tangible evidence for nem being a scam (which is laughable beyond belief) yet now nem is a scam until there is proof it’s not ? Proof that isn’t too hard to provide. What was promised was delivered. In fact a ton more was deliverered and there is tangible evidence for that, that could easily be produced by the foundation and tech bureau.
Then he goes on to state that PoI is a variation of PoS. Yeah, that was the whole point and nobody made a secret out of that from day 1.
If nem is a scam then sign me up. I’ve made a lot of money by posting “interested” on btt and then not selling it for 3 years and so could everyone else have. If that’s what a scam is now then we need to seriously reconsider the definition of the term.
It was proven, as I told, by taint analysis of btc/nxt donations (every participant had to send small amount of btc/nxt in order to get nem stake). Lots of sockpuppets were found and deleted - including ones created by utopianfuture - the main promoter of nem at that time (his sockpuppets were taken from him and he stepped down as promoter of nem).
It is all public data, you can do it yourself, if you dont trust nem community.
From the perspective of someone who didn’t get any NEM, even after being on a “final stakeholder” list, the airdrop certainly seems like a scam to me. This type of crackdown, and the idea that the ICO was an offer of a security definitely makes sense.
I’ve talked to many people about my situation, and most have agreed that a lawsuit is appropriate. There are now lawyers that specialize in ICOs. I’m sure some of them would jump at the chance to represent all of the people who were cheated out of the NEM they were supposed to receive.
Yes. Most cryptos are DOOMED TO COLLAPSE. This is self-evident to any system’s analyst with an IQ higher than a parsnip.
The question of REAL VALUE IS: “What determines what cryptos survive & thrive”?
And that is literally the billion dollar question. The answer is as old as commerce itself:
Cryptos that are SERVING the needs of the public are those that are needed. Great potential is MEANINGLESS unless that potential is ACTUALLY BEING TAPPED.
The NEM/XEM community needs to pay CLOSE attention to that because with all of NEM’s potential – it’s going to get obliterated unless more actual uses happen that a lottery where you guess the last hash digits. The project team is going to need to make a few killer apps that serve the needs of business, people & even governments. Does the NEM team realize just how BRUTAL current crypto competition currently is? i don’t want to hear any more about NEM’s potential. I get it. I want to see WHAT NEM IS ACTUALLY DOING to serve people’s needs. Tic-tock…
I’m on board if you go that route Pontifier - I feel completely swindled out of my stake. I had an issue during the redemption process where the https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes website wouldn’t accept my token. The process was completely flawed and only designed for those in the know.
That is such bullshit. Did you contact anyone about it ? How come it worked for literally thousands of other poeple ?