I hate to have to write this here too as it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand but in the interest of me never wanting to see this cryptoapex fud again i’ll paste here what i wrote at the btt topic.
So in case you don’t believe gimer which you absolutely should here is the proof about the “50 million xem incident”:
Your memory is correct that is all they received. It’s easily deducible from looking at the official Final Development Contract (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TKTIakxUEotmTN4Et80EI7d-8XifgFZ4aBUGAukgLfY/edit#heading=h.xchkdqowarsb) and this blog post (https://blog.nem.io/update-sustainability-fund-final-redemption-numbers/).
As we can see the original amount in the Community Fund was 306,056,439.91 XEM and looking at the rich list(https://nemnodes.org/richlist/) we can see that there is 294,806,244.91 XEM left in the fund.
That is 11,250,406 XEM spent so far of which 5 million went to apostille so that leaves only the 6.25 million transaction you provided. + The 406 XEM i take went to the fees.
Guys you need to research before you panic about every single stupid rumor that gets thrown around in here. Remember EVERYTHING is documented in nem although i must say the documents could be somewhere where they would be a little easier to find.