Balance mismatch - help


BlockHeight: 2108970

The total balance deducted from NB2PPQOJ7LY456O3BHNYYPLXGS6N65AG52K6A2U4 from the below transaction is = 50000 (fee) + 1000000000(levy) = 1000050000 but from balance API, difference between 2108969 2108970 blockheight is = 10050000.
Why it’s not matching?

“timeStamp”: 127650803,
“amount”: 1000000,
“signature”: “ea36052dba2d6415d01f349dfe5afd5e27050a9471f113eaf8079bf43d865f22967e104eea63bf25bd63c4625416f191d93c269459f164cd3c0925c131c8630a”,
“fee”: 50000,
“mosaics”: [
“quantity”: 1,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “pontifier”,
“name”: “fuck_this_shitcoin_to_the_ground”
“type”: 257,
“deadline”: 127737203,
“message”: {},
“version”: 1744830466,
“signer”: “4fec29fc53e01e9fa04dfbb57369173ab83f226f8225b41cf54897702af24cd2”


“levy”: {
“fee”: 1000000000,
“type”: 1,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “nem”,
“name”: “xem”

@CryptoBeliever Can you please help here?

@CryptoBeliever or can please anyone help me out? I’m stuck here for a long and waiting for a response

I would check if we hadn’t such a scenario:

  • namespace and mosaic created (levy 10 XEM)
  • namespace expired
  • namespace with same name and mosaic created (levy 1000 XEM)

Yes, that I understood. Thanks!

But then how to retrieve the levy fee for the specific mosaic at a particular block height?

I want to calculate the balance, and if I try to get the levy details now then it will give the current levy which is an updated one and I want older levy details.

I think you need keep state in your database when synchronize with blockchain and update if something change (for example namespace will expire and it’s later renewed and mosaic recreated).