Bankera pre-ICO

Is it not possible to deposit EUR or USD from a debit card from an asian country( Does it have any Geo restriction ? ) ? Cause, i am not able to verify my card.

Awesome. Important question though, are you guys supporting deposits from mutli-signature accounts ? You’re not going bittrex on us are you ? :slight_smile:

Is xem investment available yet?

More that half of pre-sale BNK has been distributed but still no info on how to invest via NEM. Not looking good at the moment…

Edit: In Bankera’s chat I was assured with the following:
"@Tehfiend NEM investors will not be left behind. If you sent a letter to with your preferrred XEM to BNK amount, you are in the reserve list and you are safe and will receive BNK tokens."

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i cant even load ICO web page …
How did so many people were able to invest already?

Hello today is the day of the tender offer for the BANKERA currency but I can not access the spectracoin website?

They are having problems keeping up with the demand on their servers and it doesn’t look like they had worked out all of the kinks in their new ETH wallet so all we can do is be patient and hope they address the issues.

Can you drop us a PM with your SpectroCoin email address and four last numbers of your card?

Hello, apologies for the incovenience, our website was down for a bit due to high traffic.

Hello, apologies for the incovenience, our website was down for a bit due to high traffic.

bought few today using btc

Not sure how I should send you a PM. I have raised this issue with Spectrocoin. No reply from them either.

Anybody else get info on investing with NEM? I was assured Monday that they have BNK reserved for NEM investors which will have to be conducted manually but I haven’t heard anything since.

it was never supporting NEM until this comment…

FYI, they stated in their official chat last week that they would be supporting direct investment via NEM which was confirmed via e-mail.

that´s right.
The answer from Bankera was " We will get back to you with details on how to do that soon."

We will see…

Yes, please stay tuned, we will announce that soon.

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XEM deposits are finally live at SpectroCoin: Now you can buy Bankers (BNK) with XEM.

I’m guessing the fixed rate is because you didn’t have time to properly integrate XEM ?
Is that gonna happen in the future ? So that we can properly exchange NEM for BTC and EUR?

I gotta say, the delay and this half-baked integration is not exactly making me jump on this pre-ICO at this point.

And while we’re at it. What’s with 2FA only being available if you handover more personal details ?


At what exchange rate? All I see is a deposit address but no BNK price in XEM. Will it use spot price from other exchanges based on time of transaction? Also there’s a typo in the NEM instructions:

You can buy BNK with XEM till the HARDCAP is reached. Send to the “Deposit address” and input the “Transaction message”. Please note that all purchases will be processed according to sequence of the deposits. The deposits that will be made after the HARDCAP is reached will be included to SpectroCoin account.