Beginner's help installing Nanowallet on Ubuntu? [SOLVED]

Hello! I’d like to install Nanowallet, but I’m a noob with no idea how to begin. I’m running Ubuntu, which I’m also new to, and I didn’t realize that I’d have to build the Nanowallet from source.

Can anyone help me with very basic, step-by-step instructions? My technical background is very limited, and I need instructions I can easily follow. Basically, I have no idea what I’m doing!

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Is Ubuntsu that the LINUX version of this page does not work?
As a countermeasure, I think downloading Google Chome and downloading “UNIVERSAL CLIENT” is the quickest.


This worked! :slight_smile: Thank you!

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where you able to use the linux client? Or did you use the universal client?

The universal client

OK, glad it worked out :grinning: